-"Swag" around school (aka they walk too fast for you to go around but to slow for you to deal with)
-They live in really nice houses but act like they came from the streets
-The only guns they've ever held are the orange tipped ones -they wear their pants practically around their ankles
-"Aye gurl, come get some o' dis sugha."
-"What's up my ninja!" (we all know what word that's supposed to be)
-"I got a 60%! Awww yeah!"
-"I knows you aint gon pick a fight!"
-Push fights -uses q's instead of g's
-Loiters around random areas
-Fights for their woman but treats them like crap
-Tries to wear hats to school…dude man, come on you know the rules
-No book bags just swag and the athletic bags
-Cares more about hair
-Will pass school with the minimal amount of work ethic and the lowest passing grade possible
-Listens to hard core rap… has no idea what it means
-Has the audacity to sit down next to you and touch you (legit, it just happened today and he put his head on my shoulder)
-Will stare at your friend and then waddle over to try to fight ( Happened on Monday. It was hilarious)
-Picks on the people they know they can beat because they are too afraid to fight someone their own size
-Hates on their parents until their parents are around and then they act all loving
I mean, are you stupid? Get a life check, kid! You're bright somewhere under that stupid. Guys, please just be respectable people.

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