uhm hello guys *bad poker face* soooo its me cinderr, but i don't have a comic today! <:D ehehehe.... yeah. so i thought i'd share a trial of life instead, to make up for my lack of drawn stories. so. WHAT DO YOU DO IF YOU CANT HAVE THE ONE YOU LOVE SO DEARLY? you see i have an unrequited love problem. what i love is meat. and my body wont let me have it lately. every time we go out to eat and i get a burger i get really queasy. like im about to puke. my mom, the vegetarian in the family, is so happy about this. she thinks she can win me over, you see. take me to the dark side, thinks that if i can no longer eat meat then i should join her, a plant eating weirdo! but you see, i wont have this! i will, no matter the cost i will continue to eat what makes me happy! *tears* wasn't that inspirational? no? yeah... probably not.....
well... here we go! ill write a haiku about my dilemma! *ahem*
i will not give up
my hearts craving for
murdered creature meat
as you can see i am not a poet. or a haiku writer. so yeah.
cinderr out :3
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