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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ho's of The Centuries

    Hello my lovelies. It has come to my attention that there are too many ho's (male and female) out there! Let's travel down the types and what they do, shall we?

1) The Stupid Ho
Known for:
-Loving bad grades
-Complaining about dumb things
-Getting confused easily
-Asking dumb questions
-Being an eska-ho/eskaho (a girl who will wear a skirt/short skimpy clothes with boots in the winter or on cold days)
-Straightening hair in school hallways

2) Attention Ho
Known for:
-Posting pictures on Facebook and saying "delete or keep?" or "i don't like this picture. I look ugly" or "like my status" or "just got out of the shower. FRESH FACE!"
-Complain on Facebook about personal things, but don't tell anyone what they are. Example) "I feel so sad and alone."
-Gets new hair cut in the middle of the week and asks everyone about it
-Makes out in super public places
-"Just ate a Skittle #hate my life."
-Claiming that they will "just die" for stupid reason. Example) they tripped in school

3) Sports Ho
Known for:
-Wearing athletic shorts at school with boots (see subcategory eskaho)
-Straighten hair, but puts it in a ponytail
-Charging phones in class because they "have practice third afternoon."
-Falling asleep in class because "practice ran late yesterday."
-Wearing a sports bra as a shirt or wearing shirts with the sides/sleeves cut off to show off their waists
-Telling their teacher/coach that they couldn't do their homework because they had practice

4) Forever 21 Ho
Known for:
-Talking about the shirts they wear
-Wearing short/tight pencil skirts
-Buying clothes too small/tight
-Talking about the great bargain (of just $100) they got for said item of clothing
-Spends at least 20 minutes on hair alone
-Spends at least an hour on their super black eyeliner/mascara #extra large black sharpie

5) Fat/Short Ho
Known for:
-Wearing smaller clothes than they can fit
-Belly botton pierced
-Claiming that they are "fun sized."
-Hinting toward lezbianism
-Takes pictures of their boobs/butt
-Showing tan lines in pictures on purpose

6) Over All Ho
Known for:
-Yoga pants. enough said
-"I'm bi, but I wouldn't have sex with a girl."
-Owns more than 20 pairs of Toms 
-Big hoop earrings. "The bigger the O the bigger the ho!"
-Makes "vs." pictures
-Uses q's for g's. example) lovinq 

    That should be enough for today guys. Of course there are more types and kinds of ho's out there, but I don't think there's enough time in the world to list that.
That's all FOLKS!

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