Okay so usually I post on Thursday, but my guard schedule was changed so I won't have time tomorrow. I usually try to post something that brings light to an issue we all know about, so today I'm going to talk about things that really BOTHER me.
First of all, all these "that awkward moment when (insert awkward moment here)" comments are annoying. First off, no one wants to hear about something gross you did (you know who you are) and putting it into an awkward moment statement doesn't make it any better. Second, it's only awkward when you make it awkward!!!!That awkward moment when your computer dies because you were too into tumblr to realize that the battery was low isn't awkward! It means you spend too much time on your computer. That awkward
moment when the chain mail murderer can’t kill anyone because everyone stopped
reading after “don’t read this” isn't awkward. It just means people don't want to read your spam mail! Seriously, no one cares!
Second of all, girls complain that guys don't like them for THEM, they like them for their looks. All I have to say on the topic is that if you want guys to like YOU, don't wear clothes that are 5 sizes too small or wear so muck make up that you look like a barbie doll gone wrong (see Hero's Forever 21 ho below). Be yourself, guys would rather be with a girl who has the confidence to wear sweats and no make up and still feel beautiful than a fake girl.
Third of all, I hate it when a guy plays a girl. He'll tell you he likes you but then he'll turn around and break your heart only to make you fall for him again. Why do we keep falling for these guys? I don't know, we just can't help it. But these guys only like us when they think they're losing us. I've been through that before, believe me. We think we need these guys, but the sooner you realize you don't, life will be easier. Guys, if you wanted her in the first place, maybe you wouldn't have played with her mind in the first place.
Fourth of all, LAUGH A LITTLE! Teenagers spend so much time pretending to be depressed because that's what their friends are doing. Putting yourself in that position isn't right. Laugh. Life is short, don't waste it pushing yourself away from everyone and pulling yourself into a black pit of sadness because that's the "cool" thing to do. NEWSFLASH, it's not. It just makes people see you in a dark light and no one will want to be around you.
Please, for the love, don't try to get attention! Just be yourself and people will flock to you!
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