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Saturday, August 11, 2012

.......Let Me Do My Job!!!!!

     I've been MIA for the past few weeks and I apologize for that. Band camp and school have gotten the better of me. Okay so marching band has started which means cramming AP homework, posting, and practice on Thursdays, so I will be moving back to Wednesday (until guard starts that is).

     So in the past year or so I've been developing my photography techniques and trying to improve as an artist. In order to do that, I need a model. I always use the same girl which isn't good because you aren't experimenting with different people and different settings. I don't have a problem using the same person....until they start to think that they can tell me how to run my photoshoot or think that they can make their own schedule. I told her a week in advance that I need her and she cancelled. So we worked out another date...and she cancelled. This happened several more times until she blamed me for telling her at the "last minute" that I needed her. When we do go on a photoshoot, I have an idea of the pictures I want to take, and she refuses then tell me to do something else. At school, we were taking our band pictures and we went in for a section picture then another girl told the photographer how to pose us. Okay 1) LET HER DO HER JOB 2) If she was hired to take pictures of 178 people and their sections, she obviously knows what she is doing. People, photographers know what they're doing, so stop telling them what to do. We are artists, so stop trying to cage us. Also....just because you can aim and shoot doesn't mean you're a photographer....
                                            Thank you

It's been around for millions of years, but it's no more than a month old. What is it? 

<3 illya


  1. Hey, if you ever need a weirdo model that isn't completely blonde and is your friendly neighbor Hero-Girl lol :) and i'm well aware that i could've just texted you.

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