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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cake Smash!

Okay, so there is no actual cake in this story. You are free to leave... It just means a whole bunch of random thoughts in one post. You're Welcome.

Great day today, it is my mom's birthday. I wrote her a big letter and a one page scrapbook thing for her to wake up to. My mom is the best mom ever and most who know her, know that is true. (: At midnight last night, I tried to make Origami, flowers, lady bugs, a cake and a cake slice. All fails and it was terrible. One day I will learn these, I just do not have that kind of talent right now.

I am so, so lazy. If I would have done my math test review before today and got at least a 90%, I would have not had to go to math class. Shockingly, there were more people in class today than usual, for this kind of day. I guess everyone else was lazy too or they just did not understand it?

Another not so interesting topic: this past weekend... well before I get to that, let me say, I love Hulu, oh so much. Ok, now to what I was going to say haha I decided to get the free month trial of Hulu Plus and Netflix. Both of their apps work great and Hulu works on everything. Problem: Netflix has a lot of choices but cannot run on Linux based computers and has laggy/bug issues with certain shows. So I am thinking I will take the Hulu Plus and watch what I can with Netflix before, about, December 5th. I use Amazon as well. It makes me mad that as long as Netflix has been out they still haven't tried to work with Linux? Really? That is very strange to me, while you all think, what's Linux? If you know me at all, you know I am big on books, movies and television (and games) since I stay at my house for most of the time. Oh, I do not like how it is an extra $7.99 for DVDs on Netflix, of course a lot of movies I like are on their page. Hulu, on the other hand, has a bunch of old movies which is amazing. I made a list of shows and movies to watch on Netflix before I cancel it but I may not finish them all since I play Minecraft A LOT and I still have math work to do. Speaking of which, I have no more computer class.

Apparently, my computer class logs our final grades as letters: A,B, C, etc. So if you have a 100%, like moi, they just stick an A there. Which is exactly what they would put if you had a 90%. I wish I would have known before, although, I doubt it would have changed anything. I would have still tried to make a 100%. Well with all my extra credit I would have made way over 100% which makes me happy and I would like the 100 to be showing on my 'report card.' That is life.

If for any reason you want to know anything about the Netflix or Hulu and are afraid to do the the free trials because they want your information, you can look them up or just ask me something. I am sure I will be able to answer your question.

Something I always wonder when it happens: (not this) this is the actual time it should be if we never had the day light savings... (this) Unless there is some logical reason or something I am not thinking of, I think we should just keep the time at the daylight savings because throughout the whole year we would have more light compared to when we change it back to the normal time. I hope that made sense. I know not every state and country does this but for those that do it seems logical to not use the regular time.

I love, love the past. I think it is better that I was born when I was so I appreciate the past so much more. Right now, I am glued to the show Pan Am because it has some history in it and old music. I cannot stand a lot of the 2000s music or clothing... etc. Now, I love places like Europe because they still are kind of stuck in the past with the way their shows are and the music they still listen too (and clothing). If you feel the same way, you may know what I mean. There is not one bad British- English show/movie, so far, because of how not modern they look to me. I do not know what it is but they just do not look like American entertainment and the people are better actors.; do not get mad at me. Most actors, now a day,s are not from America. Look at True Blood, I do not think one main character is American, except Kristin Bauer and she is great. Skins U.K. is awesome. Oh and let's be honest here, pretty much every time America tries to recreate an English show, it never lasts long (because it is not as good). They do the exact same plot too which is very annoying. Deja vu really. Anyway, I still listen to old music and classical music. I also love music from other countries. The band, Lost, from Italy, is my absolute favorite.

Most of you probably do not agree with me; it is my opinion. Another thing, I know I want to be in the science field when I finish with college but I also always wanted to be a critic for, well, everything haha.


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