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Wednesday, October 26, 2011


My family has six cats again. My mom found a kitten at work yesterday. I made a list of names; my dad and I liked Gandalf (since he is gray) but we eventually chose Scooter. He looks like his name would be Scooter, it suits him. Not for any other reason. In the past two days, I think we have said Scooter 20 million times and now he is comprehending his name. He is calm, curious, and a little hyper. He likes to bite, but what kitten doesn't? Years ago, I never would have thought my family would have had pets, besides fish but we got our first Hamster, her name was Oreo, and we loved her to death. Then we started saving cats from the street and slowly ended up with six. Cookie, our Japanese bobtail, passed away from old age and weakness since she was, what looked like, torchered from whoever raised her. It was terribly sad. And as I said before we have six cats again and I am very happy. I grew up liking dogs but now I do not know if I could stand living with a dog. Cats can take care of them selves, for the most part, while dogs cannot. I do have to say, it is annoying when we add new cats or take care of a friends cat because they take forever to get along with one another. However, our cat, Peaches, is getting along with Scooter faster than I ever thought Peaches would with any cat. He is very skittish and likes to stay up stairs. Now that Scooter came along he is around the house a lot. (I do not want to jinx it though, it is great). Maybe Peaches will make a friend?


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