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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Bad Relationships

       High School. The best years of your life. Friday night football games, parties, and relationships. Some of us get lucky and find that special someone who respects us and loves us for more than our looks. Others get a short term relationship, still good and ideal for our age. But there are some unlucky ones. You know what I mean. It's nothing to be ashamed of, anyone can get hurt in a bad relationship. 

       We get used. Either they just like you for your body, or they use you to make someone else jealous. Usually, girls use guys to make someone jealous. They think cute guy in their class or their horrible ex will be jealous and want to go out with them. They play along and say they like you and say they care, but they don't. As soon as the other person likes them and wants them, they ditch you and never talk to you again. Guys use girls because they think you'll be easy to pressure into sex. Now, I can speak for the girls because in one of them. These guys are dangerous. They make you life them and think they care for you, then pressure you into sex. If you say no, then the say, "it's fine, don't worry", but as soon as they start to slip away, you want them back, so you agree to do the deed which is EXACTLY what they want. Luckily i got out of my "relationship" before that happened, but things would have gotten very bad if I didn't. The sooner you end it, the better you'll feel. 

       In more serious cases, there is abuse. Most cases, girls are abused but stay with them. Why? Because they are convinced that the guys love them, which could be true, but the violent nature is dangerous. If they have anger management issues, tell someone! Dont just sit back and take it!

       If you are in a bad relationship, be it used for sex or jealousy, or abuse, END IT!!! None of these relationships will end well. Get help before it's too late...please.

                               My inspiration for this piece was a movie I watched a while ago. It is about a girl who is abused by her boyfriend. I suggest you watch it if you can. It is a Lifetime Movie called No One Would Tell.   

                                                                                 <3 illya

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