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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sex Too Young

         41 years ago, if a teen showed up to school pregnant, they would be embarrassed. In the 70's, it wasn't okay to be pregnant before marriage. In our generation, it is acceptable. More and more girls are having babies everyday and why? Because no one stops them.

          Having a kid too young can ruin your future. Many will say that their child is the best thing that has ever happened to them, and while that may be true, these girls never finish school. Whatever plans they had for college or jobs goes out the window! My friend is 15 and pregnant and feels that she HATES not being able to finish school because of her baby. Walking through the halls at school, i see tons of couples together, which is normal. If i look closer, however, i see FRESHMAN (yes I'm positive they are freshman because of the books they have) dressing like sluts. One day, I passed a girl i knew who is 14 and on her neck was a huge hickey. I was shocked when I found out she has four more elsewhere. It's bad enough that our 18/19 year old girls were sexually active, but now our little 14 to 16 year-old friends, cousins, sisters, granddaughters, and daughters are now pregnant. What kind of society have we become where having babies and STD's at 15 is acceptable?
                  If you are sexually active at a young age, stop and look at the facts:
                         Girls, you won't finish school. 9 out of 10 times the father won't even stay with you. You won't go to the amazing party with your friends because you'll be home taking care of the baby.

                     Later on in life, after you graduate college and you get married, having a kid will be great! But please, don't try to rush that. If you or anyone you know is sexually active, stop! Help them face the facts and save their future. 

                                                                               <3 illya

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