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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Overcame My Fear

Since the day I began high school, I have been waiting to enter college. I always wanted that college adult freedom you do not get in high school and below. When last year started and began ending, I freaked. I was afraid with the thought of going somewhere I would only know possibly three people. No way was I going there.

My first day at Gwinnett Tech was last Wednesday; I was scared and excited all at once. I walked into the student lounge as though I was no freshman, I have been there before. I got comfortable watching other college students play video games or watch a movie; I was people watching , if you will. Later, after I had got some food from the cafe', I was going to sit back where I was in the lounge but there was someone in my seat. I decided to gulp down my fears and walk up to her to ask if I could sit on the other side of her. We began talking, her name was Olivia. We had things in common and things not so much in common. She was not new to this whole college thing so I asked her questions and found out I needed a photo ID. We went to wait in the bookstore line and we stoke up a conversation with two other people.

My first day went amazingly. If I had not had the courage to walk up to Olivia, I would have never met other people and I would not have friendship with her. So seriously, walk up to someone who looks nice or just seems like you two would get along. You may learn some things from them and make a new friend that you will need for college.

My math class that day went great; I talked to a few people in there and learned of new comers like me and others who have been in college. I met Jessica in my Computer 1000 class and we joke and help each other in class. Now everything about college is amazing. You even have the independence I know you want.

A tip though: Do not take so many classes, my new friend Harry is taking 5 and it is over whelming for him. I only take 2 classes and I know everything in them already so that is a plus. At my college, you go to class but all your homework and test are pretty much online. You are able to see what you got wrong and have up to three times to get it right. College does not want you to fail, every teacher is there to help you pass. Not like high school, where they are mostly just there to get paid; not all teachers are that way. I have had some who genuinely care about your future. All I am saying is: make it through high school and you will do great in college.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sex Too Young

         41 years ago, if a teen showed up to school pregnant, they would be embarrassed. In the 70's, it wasn't okay to be pregnant before marriage. In our generation, it is acceptable. More and more girls are having babies everyday and why? Because no one stops them.

          Having a kid too young can ruin your future. Many will say that their child is the best thing that has ever happened to them, and while that may be true, these girls never finish school. Whatever plans they had for college or jobs goes out the window! My friend is 15 and pregnant and feels that she HATES not being able to finish school because of her baby. Walking through the halls at school, i see tons of couples together, which is normal. If i look closer, however, i see FRESHMAN (yes I'm positive they are freshman because of the books they have) dressing like sluts. One day, I passed a girl i knew who is 14 and on her neck was a huge hickey. I was shocked when I found out she has four more elsewhere. It's bad enough that our 18/19 year old girls were sexually active, but now our little 14 to 16 year-old friends, cousins, sisters, granddaughters, and daughters are now pregnant. What kind of society have we become where having babies and STD's at 15 is acceptable?
                  If you are sexually active at a young age, stop and look at the facts:
                         Girls, you won't finish school. 9 out of 10 times the father won't even stay with you. You won't go to the amazing party with your friends because you'll be home taking care of the baby.

                     Later on in life, after you graduate college and you get married, having a kid will be great! But please, don't try to rush that. If you or anyone you know is sexually active, stop! Help them face the facts and save their future. 

                                                                               <3 illya

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why Do You Wear A Mask?

Over the years I have built on my comfort zone. Well maybe saying, 'I have opened up to the world,' is a better statement. The beginning of my life into Elementary School, I and everyone else could have cared less what anyone thought about them. I was a tomboy who played basketball and was a cheerleader. My personality was pretty great besides being shy at times. When Middle School came around, everyone, including myself, stuck to the people they already knew. After a while we would add and remove people from our friends, whether it was our choice or theirs. About eighth grade to now (college) I have gradually brought back my original personality. I dress for myself and act the way I want; I am who I am and no one can change me. Every once in a while humans, in general, can feel insecure. Twelfth grade to now, I have opened up to new possibilities. I have learned to truly be myself and I have stopped worrying about what others think. 'Go With The Flow,' is the best advice to give. Everything happens for a reason, so just let it happen. Learn from mistakes and build from there. At the moment, I am not sure if being too comfortable with my self will become a bad in the long run but for now I will stay this way. All I know is, if you are happy with who you are, other will take notice. You will draw in good people and some that will want to take this away from you. But as long as you accept who you are and who you want to be, no one can break down your force field.


A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.

Mark Twain

I see myself as sexy. If you are comfortable with it, it can be very classy and appealing.

Friday, August 12, 2011

A Kiss With A Fist.

Hello, I am joining this blog. Obviously.

Things change so much; whether it is days, weeks, months, or years. You forget the popular things you were surrounded by when you were little. It is all about the now and what is happening at this very moment. I have no idea why I brought this up but I sometimes remember my past and my favorite things.

Anyway; I guess I will be writing about my life or just random thoughts so this will hopefully get interesting.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Goodbye Summer

Nothing can compare to that first day of school feel. The summer is over and you once again have to wake up very early. Ladies, most of you get a kick out of picking the PERFECT first day outfit. Guys, not so sure about you. We get to see new friends, old friends, and enemies. Writers, that perfect moment walking into journalism and knowing you ARE going to have a great year. Readers, walking into the library and discovering new books. Athletes, for you it's the gym; you know you will enjoy gym class this year and can't wait for the football season to start. No matter who you are, the first day of school feels great. :))

                                            <3 illya 

Friday, August 5, 2011


Hey everyone. I'm new to the blogging world. I love to write so i decided to start a blog to share my writing with the world. It might take a while before I post an actual story, but I'll try to post as soon and as often as possible. This time of year I am SUPER busy so it might not be very often, but I would love feedback about what I do post (constructive criticism is very very very helpful). I hope this blog really takes off. ENJOY!
                                                                          <3 illya