This post will be about the hustle and bustle of vacations, so sit back and enjoy it my lovelies.
The Pack - Step:
1: Throw random clothes in without checking to see if you have matching clothes
2: Get every charger you have plugged in the wall and shove them into your bag
3: Grab wads of cash and put it in your wallet
4: Toss two pairs of shoes into the bag
5: Makeup? Sure! Put the whole drawer in there too
The Departure:
1: Put your junk in that trunk
2: Make sure you have all papers
3: Leave the house
4: Realize that you've forgotten your toothbrush and your favorite book
5: Go back home
6: Leave again
7: Sorry
The Airport:
1: Check in
2: Go through security without getting felt up by the guards (if you don't then... FAIL!)
3: Get to your gate and you're on board
4: Go to sleep without leaning on your seat-mates and don't let the guy behind you cough into your ear (trust me, it's not pretty. True story)
5: Live through the turbulence and landing
Congratulations, now you have gone through everything, so go out there and have fun. Don't forget your bags at the airport because someone will take it and you'll have no clothes. Happy vacationing.