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Sunday, February 26, 2012


Hey guys, thanks to a certain little euphonium player we all know and love, I am now hooked on Soul Eater, an anime that I can watch in English on Netflix. :D If you've seen it, you must know who Crona is! I love him; he's almost the most adorable thing ever. So here's a tribute to Crona, in poem form. Squee!

Borne of a mother who loves with her fangs,
Attached to a brother who beats unrelentingly,
I am the experiment of my family,
I'm afraid of my only friend.

I can't deal with all the noises coming at me...
From every direction they yell at me commands.
I don't know what to do...
Why are they always yelling?

I don't know how to deal with my failures...
I don't think failing is acceptable;
I need to rid the earth of my mistakes when they happen...
What a terrible creature I am!

I don't know what to do
with all these people being nice to me...
They're my friends, right?
What is it like to have friends exactly?
Friends like people who are good, right?
Could I possibly have friends?

But how can I deserve real friends?
My blood is black, you know?

"Crona." February 26, 2012
Amy Bohon

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Come On....Really?!?!?!?!

     Okay so usually I post on Thursday, but my guard schedule was changed so I won't have time tomorrow. I usually try to post something that brings light to an issue we all know about, so today I'm going to talk about things that really BOTHER me.
     First of all, all these "that awkward moment when (insert awkward moment here)" comments are annoying. First off, no one wants to hear about something gross you did (you know who you are) and putting it into an awkward moment statement doesn't make it any better. Second, it's only awkward when you make it awkward!!!!That awkward moment when your computer dies because you were too into tumblr to realize that the battery was low isn't awkward! It means you spend too much time on your computer. That awkward moment when the chain mail murderer can’t kill anyone because everyone stopped reading after “don’t read this” isn't awkward. It just means people don't want to read your spam mail! Seriously, no one cares!

     Second of all, girls complain that guys don't like them for THEM, they like them for their looks. All I have to say on the topic is that if you want guys to like YOU, don't wear clothes that are 5 sizes too small or wear so muck make up that you look like a barbie doll gone wrong (see Hero's Forever 21 ho below). Be yourself, guys would rather be with a girl who has the confidence to wear sweats and no make up and still feel beautiful than a fake girl. 

     Third of all, I hate it when a guy plays a girl. He'll tell you he likes you but then he'll turn around and break your heart only to make you fall for him again. Why do we keep falling for these guys? I don't know, we just can't help it. But these guys only like us when they think they're losing us. I've been through that before, believe me. We think we need these guys, but the sooner you realize you don't, life will be easier. Guys, if you wanted her in the first place, maybe you wouldn't have played with her mind in the first place. 

     Fourth of all, LAUGH A LITTLE! Teenagers spend so much time pretending to be depressed because that's what their friends are doing. Putting yourself in that position isn't right. Laugh. Life is short, don't waste it pushing yourself away from everyone and pulling yourself into a black pit of sadness because that's the "cool" thing to do. NEWSFLASH, it's not. It just makes people see you in a dark light and no one will want to be around you.

     Please, for the love, don't try to get attention! Just be yourself and people will flock to you!

                                                                                        <3 illya

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ho's of The Centuries

    Hello my lovelies. It has come to my attention that there are too many ho's (male and female) out there! Let's travel down the types and what they do, shall we?

1) The Stupid Ho
Known for:
-Loving bad grades
-Complaining about dumb things
-Getting confused easily
-Asking dumb questions
-Being an eska-ho/eskaho (a girl who will wear a skirt/short skimpy clothes with boots in the winter or on cold days)
-Straightening hair in school hallways

2) Attention Ho
Known for:
-Posting pictures on Facebook and saying "delete or keep?" or "i don't like this picture. I look ugly" or "like my status" or "just got out of the shower. FRESH FACE!"
-Complain on Facebook about personal things, but don't tell anyone what they are. Example) "I feel so sad and alone."
-Gets new hair cut in the middle of the week and asks everyone about it
-Makes out in super public places
-"Just ate a Skittle #hate my life."
-Claiming that they will "just die" for stupid reason. Example) they tripped in school

3) Sports Ho
Known for:
-Wearing athletic shorts at school with boots (see subcategory eskaho)
-Straighten hair, but puts it in a ponytail
-Charging phones in class because they "have practice third afternoon."
-Falling asleep in class because "practice ran late yesterday."
-Wearing a sports bra as a shirt or wearing shirts with the sides/sleeves cut off to show off their waists
-Telling their teacher/coach that they couldn't do their homework because they had practice

4) Forever 21 Ho
Known for:
-Talking about the shirts they wear
-Wearing short/tight pencil skirts
-Buying clothes too small/tight
-Talking about the great bargain (of just $100) they got for said item of clothing
-Spends at least 20 minutes on hair alone
-Spends at least an hour on their super black eyeliner/mascara #extra large black sharpie

5) Fat/Short Ho
Known for:
-Wearing smaller clothes than they can fit
-Belly botton pierced
-Claiming that they are "fun sized."
-Hinting toward lezbianism
-Takes pictures of their boobs/butt
-Showing tan lines in pictures on purpose

6) Over All Ho
Known for:
-Yoga pants. enough said
-"I'm bi, but I wouldn't have sex with a girl."
-Owns more than 20 pairs of Toms 
-Big hoop earrings. "The bigger the O the bigger the ho!"
-Makes "vs." pictures
-Uses q's for g's. example) lovinq 

    That should be enough for today guys. Of course there are more types and kinds of ho's out there, but I don't think there's enough time in the world to list that.
That's all FOLKS!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

the first of many useless stories of my life

Hey guys! back with another comic :3 so last week i was sick and i had a horrible craving... really good fudg-ey like cake. yea, kinda weird but thats cool. so anyways im craving this cake and my mom tells me she'll grab me some. three days into my indisposition im feeling like absolute crap absolutely craving that cake, to the point of crying myself to sleep when my mom presents me with cake mix. it was glorious and i felt better <3
stereotypical female?

oh. and im getting sick again. the effects of my self proclaimed medical cake were not permanent D:  

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

And a Rose for you.

College this semester is getting tougher. I have an essay due next Monday. The topic is not very easy either; it is a 2-3 page essay on a magazine advertisement. I have to explain the ad and why it makes the target audience want to buy the product. May seem easy to you but it is not as easy as it looks. Also, it has to be written in third person. Anyways. Right now in my Psychology class we are learning about hypnosis, sleep and meditation. I have to say all of it is very interesting. Today we talked about sleep and that made everyone in the class tired, kind of like when you get talking about food and you become hungry. There are four stages of sleep we go through during the night, which is quite amazing.
I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day. I am not a big fan but everyone still needs to have good day. The place my family and I went to for dinner last night gave ladies roses. Very cool. There were many young people there who looked like they were on their first date; that awkward dinner.


"TV is chewing gum for the eyes." -Frank Lloyd Wright

Monday, February 13, 2012

~the only poster with a real identity~ :,(

Hello all, happy almost Valentine's :3
I'm dedicating this poem to a lady friend, but she's not allowed to know who she is. ;)
Also, I'm wondering who's who with these new contributors, because I'm the only one with a real name... The realization struck me like a knife in the heart when I realized that I'm the only one exposing myself to the world... Awkward...
Anyways, enjoy this poem about a crazed woman seeking her destined but unrequited love! (I was envisioning rape and kill and an eternal life for them in the afterlife... But perhaps that's taking it a bit too far...)
You're all my loves! ;)

Captive heart,
Wandering soul.
Bring your valiant soul
To my icy heart.
Warm it with the love
You don't have inside you;
Make yourself pretend to care.
Show up with smiles for everyone but me;
Reveal yourself if you dare.

Compassion from misery;
Misery from pain.
Pain turns into hate,
An unforgiving mistress.

So speed up your waltz,
I'll follow your every move.
Always chasing...
Always there...
You can't out dance me.

Until our lives end, they are intertwined;
You'll never lose me,
Because I love you.
You will choose me
Some day.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Happy Valentine's, sweetheart.
I'll see you real soon.



P.s. check out my personal blog at (<--- am I even allowed to do that? I mean, I didn't sign a contract or anything... Oh well.)

Friday, February 10, 2012

January's Playlist

     Hello all! I hope everyone's 2012 is fabulous so far and its time to see what I've found this year. I'm also so very sorry that this is a day late, but enjoy!

      1)Lucy - Skillet
      2)Awake and Alive - Skillet
      3)Hallelujah - Rufus Wainwright
      4)Set Fire to the Rain - Adele
      5)Love Song - Sara Bareilles

                                                                              <3 illya

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hello Lovelies!

I am Hero. Why hero? It's because I'll be saying all of the things you never had the gut to say.

    Now, let's venture off into my first rant: Dead friendships. We all have those best friends or those really good friends who eventually drift or find someone new, so what happens when everything falls apart? They will nag or cry or blog about it to all of their followers while you're just sitting there and laughing at how much of a fuss they are making and wondering why they just won't stop talking. Honestly, none of the people who read it cares. Even more, you barely care. There are some arguments (on their end) and rebuttals (on your end), but at the end of it there's really nothing left but complete and total awkwardness. When I say awkwardness I don't mean "Oh, I'm in the same room as my crush and I just stuttered", I mean "Oh, you're going to stand there and laugh at my face with all of your friends while I'm playing Temple beans".

Lets list all of the things I hate about broken friendships:
-How they look at you now
-How you can't stop reflecting over the past
-All of the secrets they know about you
-All of the things you gave each other
-How mainstream they make/made all of the things you liked because "I LOVE THEM TOO!"
-The fact they got rid of your blog off their following
-The fact that you don't want to reblog what they have just because you don't want them to think everything is peachy keen between you two (because you love her blog but hate her)
-How you can't help but say "Geeze what a crap bag." in your mind whenever you past them (but really, how does that annoy you. it only makes you giggle)

What about things you love about it?:
-How you aren't held down by the arguments/negativity
-All the secrets you went out of your way to keep
-The bonfire of memories in your mind
-The thoughts of complete and total freedom
-Having your mutual friends not call you by your ex-friends name at least 10 times throughout a day
-(and for me) Being no one's second banana

All in all, dead friendships were always meant to be dead, so you guys can all deal with it.

Good Luck,

Saturday, February 4, 2012

things with teeth and claws shouldn't mess with things that float.

haha! :D first comic up <3 just something simple and cute to look at (sorry if its too small, first time posting, ill find a way to make it more easily seen in future posts, thanks for the patience)
~Cinderr :3

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The cake is a lie!

I caught the common cold from my sister the other; definitely on my to-do list... not. I am slowly feeling better and have not missed school; no reason, since I only have two classes. Nothing is really going on at the moment so I thought I would share a very small part, in a short story, I wrote a few years ago:

The air in her throat got thinner, but the tears kept streaming. Her legs taking her as fast as they could; knowing, they would give out soon. Her lungs, they burned like fire. She stops to take a breath. Looking up, she sees a light at the end of the forest. As she starts up running again, a black figure appears in front of her. Trembling in fear, she stops. She screams as loud as she can, sobs uncontrollably, wishing someone could hear her; she knows they are alone and it is useless. A voice calls out her name, "Mavin!" With hazy eyes, she looks up to see the figure pull down his cloak revealing...

And that is where I stop, for this anyway. I have not written much since I graduated high school. Honestly, I spent most of my time writing in my classes. Everyone tends to get their best ideas while in class.

"Save me Barry!" -Nathan (Misfits)


P.S. My title is a Portal/Minecraft reference (inside joke).